What does an eating disorder look like?

Tonight I bring you a blog post that was written by a friend from treatment, Jess!  She was always quiet and I even serenaded her one afternoon after lunch!  She wrote what an eating disorder looks like to her!  Jess, this is simply amazing!  You are a wonderful person!   I am so glad that I got to know you and share life with you!

What does an eating disorder look like?

Hint: An eating disorder does not look like an emaciated body.

The suffering of an eating disorder goes far beneath the stereotypical skinny body.

An eating disorder looks like swollen cheeks, scraped knuckles, and bruised joints.

An eating disorder looks like a room full of people eating, while you sit awkwardly, not eating, because you simply can’t.

An eating disorder looks like trying to make up an awkward excuse to sneak away to the bathroom after a meal.

An eating disorder looks like tears streaming down the face of a girl sobbing in the corner of a public restroom after throwing up a three course meal.

An eating disorder looks like avoiding the kitchen at all costs, because you’re afraid you might be tempted to eat something.

An eating disorder looks like spending three and a half hours riding a stationary bicycle because you ate half of a sandwich at lunch.

An eating disorder looks like canceled plans with friends because they might want to go to a restaurant.

An eating disorder looks like requesting to work holidays so you won’t have the chance to attend family meals.

An eating disorder looks like judging your morality based upon the “good” and “bad” foods you eat.

An eating disorder looks like self hatred so intense that you can’t even stand to spend time with yourself.

Eating disorders are so much more than ribcages and thigh gaps. The emotional scarring is much worse than any physical symptom.


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